Monday, July 28, 2008


I’m at work on a Sunday, I need to get my PhD finished. I’ve decided to stick updates on here so you guys can nag me to keep going, cos motivation is very, very, very, very, very, very, very hard to keep up.

Ok so don’t expect regular updates, cos I’m still working to produce results as well as writing up, so the writing will probably be kind of irregular. I have the whole chapter structure mapped out, and I’m sticking it down here more for myself than anything else, so I can tick things off as I go, and I figure if I do it in public it’ll maybe help me get going. This’ll be shorthand so just ignore it, but i’ll tick things off as i go.

1. Intro
2. Literature- half done - aim to finish by end february
3. Conceptual Framework - mapped out/structured easyish to write
4. Data collection - infancy
5. Frequency offset estimation algorithms and implementation
6. Node implementation - NCO parameterised/performance curves trade-offs… - work done by mid march maybe, written up by end (optimistic)
7. Possible intra-net comms extension
8. Conclusions.

Maybe I’ll try for weekly updates / goals. Before I leave today I’m going to have ch.2 properly mapped out, maybe a bit of writing done. Conference Paper to write/finish before wednesday, should be ok, work for it will go into ch.6 so that’s cool.

I’m going to look back on this post one day as Dr Tang, oh yes I will.
Oh, and people who are particularly helpful / motivational may be lucky enough to get a mention in my acknowledgements.

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