Thursday, July 16, 2009

work, work and more work

that's been the story for the last week and a half. nothing too exciting save knowing that i can see more clearly and end to graduate school. the pressure is on, and i am still learning to fight the need to rush things, thinking that i do not have enough time.

it's funny though; the closer i get to finishing, it seems that my plate continues to grow with additional things to do. i guess this is the price you pay.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


i had a great meeting with my supervisor today, but it was not great due to anything that he said to me. it was great because the dissertation outline that we have been using as meeting material is nearly complete!!! the last chapter in the outline is more of a broad, high-level look at things, and should require minimal work in terms of experiments. it should be completed through thought experiments . needless to say, i can see the end. so much so that we even set a date for me to submit my dissertation: September 6, 2009!!! if that's not exciting then I don't know what is.

the only thing between me and this deadline is the work to be done!!!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

be thorough, FINISH, execution, follow through, etc

"if you have the courage to start, then have the commitment to finish."

these were the motivating words for me today. i have been working diligently for my short-term deadlines, but i also have finishing my phd heavily on the brain.

let's make it happen!